Predictions About the Future of Ecommerce - The Future Of eCommerce Is Headless

The Future Of eCommerce Is Headless

If you’re not familiar with the term ‘headless commerce’ it’s essentially the separation of the front and back end of an eCommerce application. The front and back-end function independently, allowing increased agility and adaptability.

Aristotle said the human body is at its best at age 30. The same can now be said for eCommerce, which turned 30 this year. The best way to celebrate this milestone is with a new headless architecture.
If you’re not familiar with the term ‘headless commerce’ it’s essentially the separation of the front and back end of an eCommerce application. The front and back-end function independently, allowing increased agility and adaptability. If companies want to create a true omnichannel experience for their consumers, headless commerce is crucial. The front end, whether taking place on a web browser, mobile device, or in-store, provides someone with a personalized experience by automatically connecting their secure personal data in the back end to deliver product and service offerings, pricing, and other content that’s tailored to their interests and needs.

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