Benyfit : Benyfit Natural’s freshly prepared raw dog food is 100% natural, nutritionally balanced for your pet’s diet and sustainably sourced by one of the UK’s leading raw dog food suppliers.
Hill foot & Paws : This family business in Scotland provide premium quality hand made collars, beds and other products for dogs.
Green Pantry : Green Pantry provides with natural dog food that is healthy and digestible.
Petshop.UK : Petshop UK stock over 10,000 products and all major brands of pet food and supplies for your pets.
Pet Planet : Pet Planet is the leading pet shop in the UK
Pet Express : Pet Express offers a huge range of over 18,000 pet products for dogs, cats, reptiles, birds, fish and small pets.
Zooplus : Zooplus offers a full range of pet supplies for you and your pets – over 8,000 top products in stock and ready to ship.
Monsterpet Supplies : Monsterpet supplies save you up to 50% on your pet supplies and take the strain of delivering to your door heavy bags of pet food, treats, toys and accessories.
Petsdirect : Pets Direct supply thousands of the leading brands in pet care products to meet every single one of your pets’ needs.
Pets at Home : They are UK’s leading pet care business, providing pet owners with everything they need to be able to look after their pet – from food, toys and bedding, and grooming services.